How to Setup Custom Domain for Blogger site with Godaddy Domain Name

 Today I am sharing with you how to set up a custom domain for a blogger site with a Godaddy domain name. Godaddy Provides a very simple way domain for blogger sites. Godaddy is tie-up with Google. So it's a simple and trustworthy Domain provider than others. 

How to Setup Custom Domain for Blogger site with Godaddy Domain Name

I like to purchase a domain from Godaddy for our blogger website. I think you also like it too. If you want to convert your blog into a website then you can easily do it. So I am telling you here how to set up your blog with your purchased domain Name. You have to do the following Activities for this. let's start step by step here -  

How to Purchase Domain Name On Godaddy.

1. First of all, Go to the GoDaddy Website.

2. On the home page of Godaddy, you can Search easily your domain name. like as I booked for my blog. .  you can search what you wish to keep to your website Name. you can buy .com, in, , .info, .gov, .org,  . co. in and may more-

3. if your wishing domain is available then it shows a congratulation message or Domain available message.  so now you can buy it here. to buy here, you have to create a signup account in Godaddy with your Gmail id 

4. here you have to put your full address info. like as -  username, city name, country name, mobile no, etc. Give the address which you want to show for your website history. this address is shown in who is domain details.

5. Now it's time to purchase your domain.

6. Now login on to the Godaddy website and now search your wishing domain, if the domain available then Add it Add to the cart button.

7. Godaddy offers you for 1 year, 2, year 5-year plan. you can select as you wish.

8. Follow the payment option and pay it through net banking, credit card, and other option available here.

9 After Payment, you got your Domain Name. it is shown on your Go daddy Account.

Now I am telling you how to set up this domain with your Blogspot blog. follow the following step. if not understand the see in images-  

So let's start:

1. Open your Blogger Blog.
2. Go to setting option
3. Go to Basic setting 

Note: keep open in other tabs GoDaddy Account to. it's easy to understand

4.  in the basic setting you see here: Publishing area blog Address edit option.
here show -  Edit Custom Doman or Set up third party Domain Name.

5. here Click on edit button -  here give your Purchased Domain Address with www. as for example ..

then click on the save button

6. It provides the following errors and says something like this pic. see in the image below:

How to Setup Custom Domain for Blogger site with Godaddy Domain Name

7. Copy the following code which is Generated by the blogger. and keep it in a notepad file ( for easy)

here for an example: see in the Second red circle area. 

8. Now Come into the Godaddy Account And Click on the Domain menu. here show your booked Domain Name. 

Note: Some time you can not get the Domain detail. maybe shown in your Account  where your domain Name - A Lunch Button

9. Then Click on the Lunch Button you get the following windows. see in image

how to add custom domain name on blogger site, setup Godaddy Custom Domain for bllogger

Note: if you Purchased 2 or more Domains then Choose your preferred Domain Name which you want to lunch.

10. Now click on DNS Zone File Button  (see in the image above the second Circle )

how to add custom domain name on blogger site, setup Godaddy Custom Domain for bllogger

11. Now click on the Use Classic DNS Manager Button ( see above Image)

12. then open a new pop up Windows. you can see in the image below.

how to add custom domain name on blogger site, setup Godaddy Custom Domain for bllogger

13. Now you have to Add the following 4 IP Address

14. To add this click on the Host section quick add button (Add 4 boxes)

15. In the first section  (Host)Copy the @ sign and paste it in 4 Sign same in all boxes (To copy this sign click on Edit pencil icon ) and the second section (Points too) Paste one by one the following above 4 IP Address.

For Example - 

Host                   Points to


16. After filling the boxes click on Save Zone File Button then take some 5 or 6 sec and refresh automatically the Page. Now it is saved.

Note: you should take care of Godaddy Expire session time in the first windows. your login session for about 500 sec. So click on the Continue Login button So that your Session Continue to edit the Settings.

17. Now Add the CNAME Alias 

how to setup third party domain for blogger site with godaddy Domain Name

18. Click on Add quick add button and add one text box.

19. Now Paste your blogger-generated code here in these boxes.

Note:  In the Host area, www is already here so now edit and Paste only in a second area  -

20. And the second box pastes the following generated code which you copied in notepad.
(see in the first image, I mean blogger generated code.)

(paste as  Image.)

See here the example - 

Host                Point to

(your code)    (your generated code)

21. Now Save Zone File button.

22. After 5 sec it refreshes aging Automatically and saved your file.

23. Now Come to the blogger page and save it.

how to add custom domain name on blogger site, setup Godaddy Custom Domain for bllogger

24. Save Successfully Message Show here.

25. Now One last step - 

26. Go to Blog Address and Click the Edit button.
27. Check on the Redirect box with your custom domain name.
28 And save it.

After 30 min or about 1 hour. visit your blog site. it Automatically redirects your Custom Domain Name. and run with your Wishing Website Name.

Enjoy Now. - 

If you have any doubt or any error then comment in the comment box. you can contact me directly through email or contact us form.
